
2024-05-30 1424 0
坐落在紐約市的巴卡拉酒店的第18層和第19層,這個復(fù)式提供了一系列的設(shè)施,包括24小時客房服務(wù),代客泊車,家政,洗衣,健身中心,游泳池,餐廳,酒吧,和La Mer水療中心。但外面的景色讓它與眾不同。它擁有一個巨大的3,010平方英尺的環(huán)繞式露臺,比許多室內(nèi)城市住宅提供更多的戶外餐飲和娛樂空間。里面有五間臥室,都有配套浴室,兩個半浴室,一個高端廚師廚房,落地窗,三層曝光,最大限度的自然光和令人印象深刻的城市景觀。

Perched on the 18th and 19th floors atop New York City's Baccarat Hotel, this duplex offers a host of amenities, including 24-hour room service, valet parking, housekeeping, laundry, a fitness center, pool, restaurant, bar, and La Mer spa. But it's what's outside that makes it special. With a massive 3,010 sq ft wraparound terrace, it offers more outdoor dining and entertaining space than many indoor city abodes. Inside are five bedrooms, all with en-suite bathrooms, two half baths, a high-end chef's kitchen, floor-to-ceiling windows, and triple exposures for maximum natural light and impressive city views.
