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2024-01-25 14613 0
在紐約紐堡的田園背景下,Philip Johnson的Wolfhouse是設計愛好者的夢想之地。這座住宅建于1949年,坐落在一片俯瞰哈德遜河的樹林里。它的現任主人使用哥倫比亞大學檔案中的材料,將這棟四居室的住宅翻新至原來的狀態(tài)。保持其中世紀的魅力,內部擁有一個開放的平面,通風的生活空間,和廣闊的玻璃,提供農村環(huán)境的觀點,而它的白色墻壁作為一個畫廊策劃的藝術品。

Set against the bucolic backdrop of Newburgh, New York, Philip Johnson's Wolfhouse is a design enthusiast's dream retreat. The dwelling was built in 1949 and situated on a wooded lot overlooking the Hudson River. Its current owners have renovated the four-bedroom home to its original state using materials from the Columbia University archives. Maintaining its mid-century charm, the interior boasts an open floorplan, airy living space, and expansive glazing, affording views of the rural setting, while its white walls act as a gallery for curated artworks. The Wolfhouse can accommodate six guests and is available for rent with a two-night minimum.